Sensu, a folding fan

folding fan
What is Sensu?

Sensu is a folding fan invented in Japan. It can be compact by folding it.
It has a long history, and it is said that Sense has started about 1200 years ago in the early Heian period (794-1185).
It has a shape in which bones made of elongated bamboo or wood, and they are bundled and fixed at one point called “kaname” at the end.
And paper is pasted on the bones.
It is often used as an accessary for kimonos.
Sensu gradually spreads toward the end, so it’s shape reminds us prosperity and it is said to be auspicious things.

How to use Sensu
How to open a Sensu
  1. Hold a Sensu with both hands.
  2. Place your right hand near the corner called “kaname” and the other side around the center of the Sensu from below.
  3. With your right thumb, push the fan bone to the right to spread it out.
How to fold a Sensu
  1. Hold the opened Sensu with both hands.
  2. Fold it with your right hand from the right hand side.

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