Kawagoe Kurazukuri, historical townscape and sweet potato

Kawagoe TIme Bell Tower

It was a fine day, so I went to Kawagoe, which is filled with historical warehouse structured houses called “Kurazukuri”.

Time Bell Tower, “Toki no kane”
Kawagoe Time Bell Tower

At First, I visited Time Bell Tower.
Time Bell Tower, called “Toki-no-kane” in Japanese, is a symbol of Kawagoe.

Kawagoe Time Bell Tower Guide Board

It was built nearly 400 years ago according to the guide board placed just underneath.
I hear that even now the bell ring four times a day. (6 hour, 12 hour, 15 hour, 18 hour)


Kawagoe Ichibangai Kurazukuri

Near the Bell Tower, there is the Ichiban-gai street, which is lined with historical houses called “Kurazukuri”.
It is warehouse structured, which was aimed for fire-resistant.
I read that there was Kawagoe Great Fire in 1893, and there were some houses that survived.
That was “Kurazukuri” house.
For that reason, “Kurazukuri” became popular at that time.

Sweet potato sweets
Kawagoe Sweet Potate Sweets

As you walk around the street, you will find a lot of sweet potato sweets.
This is because Kawagoe is a sweet potato producing area.
I found many kinds of sweets.
Everything looks delicious.

Kawagoe Ichibangai Sweets Shop Imonokura

It is a Japanese sweets shop that I found on the way.

Next, I walked toward Penny Candy Lane, “Kashiya yokocho(菓子屋横丁)”

Penny Candy Lane
Kawagoe Penny Candy Lane

There is an area with many penny candy stores near the end of “Ichiban gai”.
Japanese sweets made of sweet potatoes, for eating while walking around, are also sold here.

Kawagoe Penny Candy

Many kinds of penny candy are sold.
In this street, you see penny candy stores like the one that there was in few decades ago.

Kawagoe Sweet Potate Sweets

Sweet potato sweets are also sold here.

Kawagoe Fu gashi

“Fu gashi” is sold, which is 95cm long!
It is a traditional snack, which is a dried wheat gluten coated with raw sugar.
Most of children like it.

Kawagoe Penny Candy

What you see above picture is penny candy.
You scoop up them by yourself here, then pack and buy it.

Kimono rental and walking around town

Kawagoe Kimono Rental

Kimono suits historical townscape.
I saw a rental kimono shop near the Taisho Roman street.
It seems popular for young people walking around old streets with kimonos.
I saw several young people who wore kimono.

Kawagoe Rickshaw

There was rickshaw service in front of bank in Ichiban gai.
Wearing a kimono and riding a rickshaw will make you feel like you have traveled back in time.

Coedo craft beer
Kawagoe Coedo Craft Beer

I found Coedo craft bear, which is local one in Kawagoe.
Kawagoe is called in other words “Coedo” which means small Edo (old name of Tokyo).

Kawagoe Off licence

I bought is as a souvenir.
I’m looking forward to what it tastes like!

How to access

Kawagoe is about 30 minutes by Tobu Tojo Line taking Express from Ikebukuro in Tokyo.
To the area of historical townscape, Ichiban gai, about 25 minutes by walk from Kawagoe Station.

【Cat’s Notes】
penny candy store駄菓子屋(だがしや)
wheat gluten麩(ふ)

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