Kawagoe craft beer, Coedo

I bought a craft beer named Coedo.
It is local beer in Kawagoe.
What I bought was 3 types of beer.
I am looking forward to the taste of each beer.
I was wondering which one to drink from.
Let’s take a look at the description written on the can.
Coedo Marihana (Green)

The following is written roughly on the can.
Session IPA.
It is fragrant, refined bitter and deep flavored.
It is lower alcohol content, and crisp taste.
Coedo Kyara (Brown)

The taste I imagine from the color of the can looks good.
According to the description, it is India Pale Lager.
Yellowish-brown colored beer which is also reddish.
Aroma hops that make you feel white grapes and spicy citrus are fragrant.
It is crisp bitter.
Contains 6 types of malt and has a slightly higher alcohol content.
It has Medium bodied, thick and pleasant aftertaste.
Coedo Ruri (Blue)

The last one is blue can named Ruri.
It says as follows.
It is Pils.
It has clear golden color and white soft bubbles.
Characterized by refreshing taste.
Light taste, but well-balanced with a deep taste and bitterness of hops.
A beer that you won’t get tired of and will go with any meal.

I chose Kyara.
The bitterness spread more than I had imagined.
It is delicious with a medium body that is thick.
It certainly has a scent that makes you feel white grapes.
The bitterness spread more than I had imagined.
I am looking forward to drinking the other two.
【Cat’s Notes】
fragrant | 香り高い(かおりたかい) |
alcohol content | アルコール度数(アルコールどすう) |
crisp taste | クリアな飲み口(クリアなのみくち) |
refreshing | 爽やかな(さわやかな) |
light | 軽やかな(かろやかな) |
well-balanced | バランスのとれた |
bitter taste | 苦味(にがみ) |
aftertaste | 後味(あとあじ) |