Rainy season and hydrangea

“Tsuyu”, Rainy season

In western Japan, the rainy season has already set in.
Usually, there are many cloudy and rainy days in Japan from the end of May to the middle of July.
It is called “Tyuyu” (梅雨) in Japanese.
The beginning of the rainy season this year in the Kinki region, which is in Western Japan, was 16th May.
It was far earlier than average year.
It might be due to global warming.

The rainy season is announced by the Japan Meteorological Agency.
Seasonal rain front brings the rainy season and moves from south to north.
Therefore, the rainy season tends to be early in the south and late in the north.
Also, the rainy season ends early in the south and late in the north.

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, the rainy season in Tokyo is around 7th June on average.


The flowers that represent the rainy season are hydrangeas.
If you ask a Japanese people, “Which flower represents the rainy season?”, I think most of them will answer “hydrangea.”
Hydrangea is a flower that blooms just during the rainy season and goes well with rain.
The colors of the flowers are blue, bluish purple and pink, and the colors change.
I hear that the color changes depending on the acidity and alkalinity of the soil.

Hydrangea sightseeing spot

There are famous hydrangea spots all over Japan.
From the end of May to June, it is a good idea to enjoy such famous places.
One of such a place near Tokyo is Meigetsuin temple in Kamakura.
It is famous for hydrangea.
So, it is also called as the “Ajisai-dera” which means Hydrangea Temple in Japanese.

Unfortunately, Covid-19 is widespread in Japan now.
It is impossible to go there this year, so I just show you the name and map.

It would be nice, if I went there and took a picture of hydrangea at Meigetuin temple in this season.
I hope I can go next year.

【Cat’s Notes】
Japan Meteorological Agency気象庁(きしょうちょう)
seasonal rain front梅雨前線(ばいうぜんせん)
the beginning of rainy season梅雨入り(つゆいり)
sightseeing spot観光名所(かんこうめいしょ)

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