How to read the price written in Kanji characters

Price list in Kanji Characters

Sometimes the menu price is written in Kanji characters (漢字) at restaurants.
The price in Kanji characters tends to be used in Japanese cuisine restaurants.
Arabic numerals are often written together with Kanji characters, however occasionally there are restaurants that only use Kanji characters.

So, I’ll explain how to read the price written in Kanji characters.
Let’s look at numbers in Kanji at first.

一 (いち:ichi)
二 (に :ni)
三 (さん:san)
四 (し:shi , よん:yon
五 (ご:go)
六 (ろく:roku)
七 (しち:shichi , なな:nana)
八 (はち:hachi)
九 (きゅう:kyu, く:ku)

There are multiple ways to read “四”, “七” and “九”.
I won’t go into details, but it depends on situations.

There is a kanji “零” that represents zero, but this “零” is not used for price list.
Instead of this, “〇” is used for price list.
The “〇” is not Kanji characters, it might have come from Arabic numerals 0.
It seems to be a mistake because it mixes Kanji and Arabic numerals, but it is used by convention.
It may be because “○” is easier to read.

Here are some other numbers that you might see.

十(じゅう:juu)    10
百(ひゃく:hyaku)   100
千(せん:sen) 1,000

Using these, for example, “八百” represents 800.

Kanji which is related to prices

Other useful words to know are “円” and “税込み”.

税込み(ぜいこみ:zeikomi)tax included
Vertical writing
Price list in Kanji Characters

Originally Japanese was written vertically.
After that, horizontal writing was also added.
Now a days, both writings are used.
For example, newspapers are written vertically.

Now that the Internet has become widespread, it would have been a problem if only vertical writing is used.

Example 1
Price in Kanji Characters

1) Replace vertical writing with horizontal writing.
    三   →  一,三五〇円

2) Replace kanji with Arabic numerals.

3) “円” is the unit of currency Yen.

Example 2
Price in Kanji Characters

“八百円(税込)” is as follows, so it represents “tax included 800 yen”.
   八百 : 800
   円  : yen
   税込 : tax included

If you remember the examples so far, you will not have any trouble reading the prices in Kanji.

【Cat’s Notes】
Vertical writing縦書き(たてがき)

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